Interactive Room 0-02
These activities will be going on throughout Day 1 of the Congress - feel free to drop into this room at any time to take a look and join in!
Techne Diversity Hub Resources Filming
More information TBC.
White Out - Clay Sculpting
This activity will introduce Techne student Victoria Burgher’s practice-based research using porcelain to interrogate ideas of whiteness. You will be given some porcelain to engage with physically while considering the material’s significance in imperial trade history and its contribution to the global spread of symbolic whiteness.
Re-imagining the Research Poster Through Embodied Practice
Help to create an alternative research poster that has no predetermined form and unfolds throughout congress. In this collaborative practice piece, participants can build on what others have started, respond to the Congress themes, bring your own practice or develop something completely new. We will supply a set of mixed materials, however you are also welcome to bring your own.
The Pleasure Patchwork
The Pleasure Patchwork is an interactive soft sculpture, a growing blanket made of reversable cocks and invaginated forms. We invite you in this project to crochet your own square and through the process of making, consider what pleasure you know, experience and can imagine by engaging in conversation and craft.