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Below are links to the programme for each day of the Congress. Please choose as many or as few sessions as you would like to attend. We don't expect you to sit through three days of back-to-back sessions, but have spread the programme across three days to minimise the number of sessions running parallel to each other and to give you as much choice as possible.


Most sessions will be held on Zoom. To register for a Zoom session, please click on the registration link and enter your details. The confirmation email will include a link to join the Zoom meeting on the day.


Some sessions will be held on Gather, which we are using for any networking and social sessions. You do not need to pre-register for these, but simply follow the link to join the Gather virtual Congress space.


If you have any questions or need any help with registration please email


Throughout the Congress

Gather Virtual Social Space

We have created a virtual Congress space on Gather (please follow this link to join). This space will be available throughout the three days of the Congress for you to meet informally with other Congress attendees. Go ahead and join the Gather space in between sessions, at lunchtime, at the end of the day, or any time at all - see who else is there and say hi! If you haven't used Gather before, you can find out more about how it works here.


Student Posters

Some of our Techne students have been busy creating posters relating to their research - and one short film too. These will be on display throughout the Congress in our virtual Congress space on Gather (please follow this link to join). When you have joined the space, follow the arrows at the back of the room where it says 'posters' to enter the poster room, and press 'x' as you approach each poster to view it.


Although you can view the posters at any time, the students who have made them will be present in the poster room on Gather to talk about their research from 13.30 to 13.45 on Monday 5th and Tuesday 6th July - please drop in during those times to ask questions and hear more about their research.


Technecast Congress Podcasts

Our Techne student podcast Technecast are preparing two special episodes as part of the Congress. 'Utopia(s) & the Commons' will be released on the morning of 6th July, and 'Mindfulness, Meditation and Research' will be released on the morning of 7th July. Take a break from the screen to listen to these during the Congress, and if you're interested join the discussion sessions which you can find more information about in the programme.

Subscribe to the Technecast on your podcasting app. It should be available on any app you use by searching "Technecast" but do get in touch if you can't find it. You can also access them on Soundcloud here.



It's great to hear what your thoughts are in response to sessions you've been part of. Tweet us @TECHNEDTP and #TechneCongress, comment on each other's posts and share ideas.



Congress Programme Overview

After the Congress - Related Techne Training and Events


Following the Affective Turn Lecture Series: Speculative Machines and Us  - 7th July 2021, 5.30pm BST


Part of the Techne Student-led Event Following the Affective Turn, join us for a lecture by Carolyn Pedwell (University of Kent): Speculative Machines and Us: Genealogies of More-than-Human Intuition​. Starting from July, we will be hosting a number of lectures themed around current work on affect. These will take place on zoom - they're free to attend and open to all! Click here to look at the schedule, save the dates and for information on how to join.



Exploring and Understanding Uncertainty: Dealing With Doubts About Your Thesis - 9th, 12th & 13th July 2021


Colleagues from Loughborough University London are also running a Techne Training & Development Day shortly after the Congress. Please click here to see full information and to sign up for this workshop.


Uncertainty is an inevitable characteristic of a PhD life, which can be highly disarming. In our sessions, over a period of 3 days, we propose to explore uncertainties that PhD candidates experience during their 3.5 years of study, to promote a healthy academic practice. Led by Dr Siv Jansson and supported by Dr Ksenija Kuzmina and Dr Sharon Prendeville, this course will help you to explore three areas of uncertainties: claiming your academic space, argumentation and letting go.


The course is made up of 3 sessions, all to take place on Zoom. Each session will have 2 hours of group work + 1 hour of one-to-one meetings with Dr Siv Jansson and is capped at 20 students. You can sign up for individual sessions or the whole course. More information about the sessions is available here.

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