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You need to have registered in advance to attend the Congress. Once you have registered on Eventbrite you then need to sign up for individual programme sessions on Inkpath. Please do not sign up for sessions on Inkpath unless you have already registered on Eventbrite. If you have not registered your attendance on Eventbrite but would like to attend, please contact as soon as possible.


If you want to edit any of the sessions you sign up for on Inkpath, you can easily cancel your place and book onto another session. There will also be a waiting list feature in use for sessions with limited numbers.


Travel Expenses

Techne funded students can claim back their travel expenses for travel to Techne events (unless the event is held at your home institution). Students may only claim travel within the UK and from their home address as recorded at their institution or from another starting point where the travel costs are the same or lower than those from the home address. Please process your expense claim following your institution's expense claim process, quoting 'Techne Congress travel'. See here for more information. You can find information about getting to the hotel on the venue page.



Access requirements

All meeting rooms we will be using are wheelchair accessible and the building has multiple lifts.


For the evening portion of the event, we will be designating the 'Study Room' of the Apartment Space as a 'Quiet Area' for those who might need a break and a breather from the main activities. We ask that you respect those using the room and keep it quiet - if you want to continue a conversation or take a call, please leave the room to do so.


Please indicate any specific access requirements you may have on your Eventbrite booking so we can ensure that we can put in place anything that you may need, and do not hesitate to contact Techne if we can help at all.



Catering Arrangements & Dietary Requirements

Refreshments will be served throughout the day during the conference at the times stated on the programme. Lunch will be served in the Tempus Restaurant.


All food on offer will be vegetarian and vegan. Please let us know about any other dietary requirements when you register on Eventbrite.



Luggage storage will be available on the ground floor of the De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms.



We have strived to make our conference accessible and inclusive for all individuals, and we have done our best to accommodate any specific needs you may have. However, please note that we may not be able to fully meet every need or requirement due to limitations beyond our control. We appreciate your understanding and welcome any feedback on how we can improve our efforts towards accessibility and inclusivity in the future. 



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